First-rate care, First-rate people, First-rate value


First Community Health and Care listed as a UK Top 50 employee owned company

First Community Health and Care listed as a UK Top 50 employee owned company

At First Community Health and Care we are delighted to be a new entrant in the top 50 employee owned companies announced today 26th June  – Employee Ownership (EO) Day.

First Community Health and Care provide NHS health and care services including district nursing, rehabilitation and a range of therapies to children and adults across east Surrey and West Sussex.

New virtual support groups for parents with a new born

New Virtual Support Groups for Parents with a New Born

Free Virtual Postnatal Peer Support Groups are now available for parents in Surrey with a new born baby to help them get to know parents in their local area. Led by a trained counsellor and child-care professional, the groups are informal and fun and discuss a wide range of topics including infant feeding, sleeping patterns, baby massage, first aid and attachment.

Remarkable efforts by our 0-19 teams to keep vulnerable families safer during COVID-19

Remarkable efforts by our 0-19 teams to keep vulnerable families safer during COVID-19

Two of the most vulnerable groups in Surrey who have been experiencing especially tough times during lockdown, are the Gypsy Roma Traveller (GRT) community and homeless families. Recognising common problems they share, experienced Health Visitor Lisa Gavin acted swiftly at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic to combine the two teams who normally support these groups in order to strengthen the offer of support.

Face coverings required from 15 June when attending clinics and Caterham Dene Minor Injury Unit

As we continue to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, by following Government guidance we ask that all members of the public (patients and visitors) attending our clinics and Minor Injury Unit  wear a face covering.  This guidance is effective from Monday 15 June 2020.  If you find it difficult to tolerate wearing a face covering because of age, a health condition or disability you do not need to wear a face covering. 

Online support to meet the emotional needs of your children

Online Support to Meet the Emotional Needs of Your Children

We all need support to meet the emotional needs of our families sometimes so the Surrey Wellbeing Partnership and local NHS experts have teamed up to create a new Facebook page to help you weather the COVID-19 storm.
It’s full of tips and ideas on how to meet the emotional needs of your children during the outbreak and beyond.

Attend Anywhere website for video consultations

Attend Anywhere website for video consultations

What is Attend Anywhere?

Attend Anywhere is a website used to connect clinicians and patients via video. This would occur instead of a face-to-face appointment, saving travel time and reducing the inconvenience of attending an appointment. This would require you to have access to a smart phone or computer with a webcam and also to have a good internet connection.

Who can attend/receive the service?

NHS Diabetes Advice helpline

NHS Diabetes Advice helpline

NHS England and NHS Improvement have launched a new helpline in response to disruption to normal diabetes services due to the COVID-19 pandemic and response.
The service is for adults living with diabetes who use insulin to manage their condition and require immediate clinical advice.
Whether you or a member of your household have caught the virus, or routine care has been disrupted, the helpline is available for immediate clinical advice to help you understand how to effectively manage their diabetes.

Support for Surrey Parents During COVID-19

Support for Surrey Parents During COVID-19

Surrey Heartlands has created a new information sheet for Surrey parents highlighting the health and wellbeing services and support available to them during the COVID-19 outbreak. This includes information on new local initiatives including the DadPad App, HANDi app and the new virtual postnatal peer support groups which are just starting, alongside existing services such as the Children and Family Health Surrey Advice Line and national resources like Every Mind Matters.

Please call before arriving at our Caterham Dene Minor Injury Unit

Please call before arriving at our Caterham Dene Minor Injury Unit

Our Caterham Dene Minor Injury Unit is open daily from 8am – 8pm, to help us manage safe social distancing practices as part of our response to the COVID-19 outbreak we ask that you please phone us on 01883 837500 before arriving.  This will help ensure the safety of patients and staff.  Thank you.