First-rate care, First-rate people, First-rate value


The Surrey Virtual Wellbeing Hub

The Surrey Virtual Wellbeing Hub is a singular place where you can view and access a range of online sessions and activities to support your mental health and wellbeing during Covid-19 and beyond.

Partnering with third sector providers including The Richmond Fellowship, Catalyst, the Mary Frances Trust, Age UK Surrey and Surrey Coalition of Disabled People, any Surrey resident can now easily access local support online and from the comfort of their own home. You can also refer another person to this service if they require support.

Visiting at Caterham Dene Hospital

Visiting at Caterham Dene Hospital is resuming

To keep visitors, staff and patients safe we are now offering booked appointments at 2pm and at 4pm. Please telephone 01883 837517.

Visiting is available for an identified family member or friend and you will be asked to wear a face mask and observe social distancing during your visit.

Please do not come to the hospital if you feel unwell.

We look forward to seeing you.

Thank you to everyone who has supported First Community during the COVID-19 outbreak

Thank you to everyone who has supported First Community during the COVID-19 outbreak

With time to reflect on how First Community managed during the COVID-19 initial response and looking at the lessons learnt, Adrian Baillieu, Director of Finance & Resources looked at how the community responded and supported the organisation as everyone responded to the pandemic. 

Community based health care adapting to new ways of working to resume face to face appointments for east Surrey patients

First Community Health and Care have been working creatively over the past few months to ensure our local patients still receive outstanding health care, despite the challenges of responding to the COVID19 pandemic.  We are delighted to now be in a position where a number of our services are resuming face to face patient contact.


Podiatry service telephone line fault at East Surrey Hospital

Please be aware that there is currently a known fault on the podiatry booking line 01737 231622 at East Surrey Hospital.

The line is working, but if the line is busy callers receive a message saying the line is unassigned, instead of hearing an engaged tone. 

If you receive this message, please hang up and try again later.

The fault is being looked into and should be resolved soon. 

Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. 

Thank you – from all at First Community Health and Care

An open letter: Thank you – from all at First Community Health and Care

As the NHS prepares to celebrate its 72nd birthday this Sunday (5 July), we at First Community Health and Care wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you to our patients, partners and the wider public across Surrey for their support and understanding during the last few months.

The coronavirus pandemic has been a challenging time for everyone, but over the last 16 weeks we have seen the communities we serve show us immense kindness, understanding, and appreciation.