An important and exciting opportunity is being advertised for you to contribute your long COVID lived experience to help improve Long COVID services. NHS England’s Long COVID Programme sets the national policy and commissioning standards for post COVID services.
“Working with people with lived experience is vital to ensuring our work considers the needs of all those affected by long COVID. Please contact us if you feel you can bring your experience to our team.”
Hazel Nyamajiyah, Senior Policy Manager at NHS England and NHS Improvement
About you:
✓ recent (last 12 months) lived experience of long COVID
✓ be able to work together with colleagues and offer objective challenge
✓ display sound judgement
✓ have an awareness of, and commitment to, equality, diversity and inclusion.
The role will involve two days per month, and you can claim for an involvement fee of £150 per day. Closing date: 13 June 2022
Apply now: www.england.nhs.uk/get-involved/
See application pack here: https://bit.ly/3LJVwZ7 or email england.clinicalpolicy@nhs.net quote ref ‘Long COVID LEApp’ or phone Victoria Uchegbu on 07730 381 461