What is the Patient Donations fund?
The Patient Donations Fund allows patients, or their family and friends to donate money, if they wish to, to a charitable fund that is reinvested in First Community to benefit services and facilitate improvements.
There is no expectation that a patient or family member, should be expected to or encouraged to donate to the fund.
Why have we set the fund up?
We established the fund in response to requests from patients to make donations. The Patient Donation Fund allows donations to be accepted in an open and transparent way giving patients, staff and the public, assurance that all donations will be used in a way that meets the wishes of the donors.
The money donated to the Patient Donation Fund cannot be used for services or equipment we are already funded to provide through our contracts with health care bodies, such as East Surrey Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). The fund is held separately, and income and expenditure to the fund is reported in First Community’s Annual Report.
Further information
For further information on the Patient Donation Fund please contact fchc.enquires@nhs.net