Specialist physiotherapy rehabilitation across east Surrey to patients in their homes, residential homes and nursing homes.

What does the service provide?
The service provides specialist physiotherapy rehabilitation across east Surrey to patients in their homes, residential homes and nursing homes. This includes advice and education so patients, their family, and/or carers are better able to manage their condition.
The service is specifically for individuals who are housebound or unable to attend an outpatient physiotherapy setting. This means a full assessment of the patient’s living conditions can be done to allow for a rehabilitation programme which is best suited for their circumstances.
Some of the problems we can help with include:
- Mobility
- Coming to terms with disability
- Reduced mobility due to recent joint replacement and / or fracture
- Reduced mobility due to recent acute illness
- Reduced mobility due to progression of a known diagnosis
- Reduced balance
- Recent falls
- Decreased ability to cope with current walking aid
- Provision of a new walking aid
- Musculoskeletal and Orthopaedic problems.
We see you in your own home, or in a Residential or Nursing Home. Our therapists arrange appointments with you and set-up programmes that can be supported by your family members or carers in the Residential or Nursing Home.
Our aim
Our service aims to assess you and agree goals around daily living skills, physical recovery, communication, memory and concentration in order to maximise your independence in the community. We use a patient-centred approach to assess, rehabilitate and empower you to improve your level of independence and manage long-term conditions. We also provide advice and education to you, your carers and family members.
About the team
The Community Physiotherapy Service consists of two full-time HCPC (Health and Care Professions Council) Registered Physiotherapists. We work closely with Specialist Nurses, local GPs, Hospitals, Community Nursing and Social Services to ensure the best possible support and advice is available to you.
How to refer
Patients referred to our service must be:
Aged 18 or over, who:
- Are housebound
- Are registered with a GP in the East Surrey CCG area.
Referrals can be made using a fully completed written referral by a qualified health care professional (e.g. Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, GP, or Consultant). Referrals can be received from GPs, local Hospitals or Secondary Care Inpatient Rehabilitation. If you feel you would benefit from this service, you should discuss this with your GP or other health care professional to make a referral on your behalf if deemed appropriate.
Useful links
- CSP - Chartered Society of Physiotherapy: www.csp.org.uk
- HCPC - Health and Care Professions Council: www.hpc-uk.org