Our Intermediate Care Team aims to prevent unnecessary hospital admissions, and supports early discharge from hospital for patients who are medically stable.
Our service
The Intermediate Care Team is provided free of charge to adults 18 years and above.
At your initial assessment your needs and abilities will be discussed. A personalised rehabilitation programme with mutually agreed goals will be set up to help you become as independent as possible in your own home.
How to refer to our team
Referrals to the Intermediate Care Team can be made by your GP or Health or Social Care Professional.
Your rehabilitation programme may include:
- Personal care
- Meal preparation
- Assisting with medication
- An exercise program
The Intermediate Care Team can also assist with:
- Supported discharge from hospital
- Referrals to other services
Following the rehabilitation programme
If you need ongoing care after the short period with the Intermediate Care Team, we can refer or sign post you to other support services with your agreement.
How to contact us
Telephone: 01737 775470 Monday - Sunday (including bank holidays), 8 am to 6 pm
Orchard House, Unit 8a,
Orchard Business Centre,
Bonehurst Road, Redhill RH1 5EL
Useful Numbers:
- Reigate and Banstead Adult Social care – 01737 737179
- Tandridge Adult Social care – 01737 737150
- British Red Cross - 01737 737671
- Age UK Surrey - 01483 503414
- East Carers Support Association - 01883 745057
- Wellbeing Prescription Service - 01883 732787
- Action for Carers Surrey - 0303 040 1234
- East Area Reablement Team - 01737 737181
First Community provides front-line NHS community healthcare services in east Surrey and parts of West Sussex.
We provide first-rate care, through our first-rate people, offering first-rate value. For more information visit: www.firstcommunityhealthcare.co.uk
If you would like this information in another format, for example large print or easy read, or if you need help communicating with us:
First Community (Head Office)
Call: 01737 775450 Email: fchc.enquiries@nhs.net Text: 07814 639034
Address: First Community Health and Care, Orchard House, Unit 8a, Orchard Business Centre, Bonehurst Road, Redhill RH1 5EL
- Twitter: @1stchatter
- Facebook: @firstcommunityhcNHS
- Instagram: firstcommunityhealthandcare
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/first-community-health-&-care-c-i-c-/
- TikTok: www.tiktok.com/discover/first-community-health-and-care
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For office use: Version 2 PFD_ASC011 Publication date May 2023