Aims of the service
- To ensure children are meeting their nutritional requirements
- To monitor children’s growth and weight and ensure that they are thriving
- To prevent admission / re-admission to hospital
- To maximise the overall well-being of children and to promote optimal health
- To enhance the quality of life for children and their families
- To help manage any food restrictions or exclusions.
Who we are and what we do
We are a friendly team of qualified children’s dietitians.
We are focused on providing first-rate care and advice to children and their families to ensure that their nutritional needs are being met in the best possible way.
It is important to us that we work in partnership with our patients and families as well as any other health or social care professionals to achieve the best possible outcome.
All of our dietitians are degree qualified, HCPC registered and experienced in working with children.
Enteral Feeding
Is your child tube fed? We will work closely with you to ensure that you and your child have everything you need for their feed. Our local enteral feeding company is Fresenius Kabi. If you have any queries regarding deliveries or supply then Fresenius Kabi can be contacted via the contact details below.
If your query is around syringes, extension sets, replacement tubes etc then please contact the Community Children’s Nurses. However, if you need further assistance then please contact your childs friendly dietitian who will be happy to help.
Children’s Community Nurses:
- Tel:- 01293 301013
- Email:- SC-TR.CCNTeamNorth@nhs.net
- Tel: 01737 214784
- Email: csh.ccnteamredhill@nhs.net
Fresenius Homecare Details:
- Tel: 0808 100 1990
- Email: FKL.homecarePRS@nhs.net
Meet the Team
Here are our friendly team of children's dietitians who look forward to working with you:
Denise Kennedy
Senior Children’s Dietitian
07805 816928
Joanna Mankelow
Senior Children’s Dietitian
07891 481779
Kate Stokes
Senior Children’s Dietitian
07964 613817
Angela Estyn-Jones
Children’s Dietitian
07483 049394
Meghan Goldsmith
Dietetic Assistant
07483 049219
Kim Davies
Dietetic Assistant
07500 784004
Contact Us
If you have any queries regarding your child’s care please do not hesitate to contact us on the below details:
01293 600406
Crawley Hospital, Dietetics Department, Red Wing, Level 3, West Green Drive, Crawley, West Sussex, RH11 7DH
First Community provides front-line NHS community healthcare services in east Surrey and parts of West Sussex.
We provide first-rate care, through our first-rate people, offering first-rate value. For more information visit: www.firstcommunityhealthcare.co.uk
If you would like this information in another format, for example large print or easy read, or if you need help communicating with us:
First Community (Head Office)
Call: 01737 775450 Email: fchc.enquiries@nhs.net Text: 07814 639034
Address: First Community Health and Care, Orchard House, Unit 8a, Orchard Business Centre, Bonehurst Road, Redhill RH1 5EL
- Twitter: @1stchatter
- Facebook: @firstcommunityhcNHS
- Instagram: firstcommunityhealthandcare
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/first-community-health-&-care-c-i-c-/
- TikTok: www.tiktok.com/discover/first-community-health-and-care
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For office use only: Version 1 PFD_TS081 Publication date: February 2023